5 Secret Gold Investment Losses
Gold is an investment instrument that can provide high returns in the long term. The value of gold fluctuates or continues to move, but if viewed from a long period of time, the price of gold continues to rise, making it suitable for investment in the medium and long term.
Even so, gold investments still have losses if investors are not careful in managing their gold investments. The following are gold investment disadvantages that must be avoided.
Even so, gold investments still have losses if investors are not careful in managing their gold investments. The following are gold investment disadvantages that must be avoided.
1# Your Gold May Be Lost
Basically, investments are in the form of digital and physical gold, but when you invest in physical gold, the risk of losing gold can occur. This is because gold is a precious metal that is widely used by humans, such as being used as jewelry, a medium of exchange, investment instruments, and others.
Not only gold jewelry, gold bars also have the potential to disappear. The reasons are varied, for example experiencing a robbery.
2# The nature of the fluctuating value of gold
Fluctuating means the value or price goes up and down. This condition causes investors to be careful in gold transactions. This loss tends to affect gold traders because the value of gold fluctuates every day, so gold trading requires stricter monitoring.
But don't worry for those of you who make long-term gold investments because the price of gold continues to increase over a long period of time.
3# Has No Impact On The Real Economy
In contrast to other instruments that have an influence on the real economy, gold investment tends to have almost no contribution whatsoever to the development of the real economy because gold is a financial profit that is only used for personal use.
Even so, gold or gold prospecting can be used as a shopping tool so that it can contribute to real economic growth.
Basically, investments are in the form of digital and physical gold, but when you invest in physical gold, the risk of losing gold can occur. This is because gold is a precious metal that is widely used by humans, such as being used as jewelry, a medium of exchange, investment instruments, and others.
Not only gold jewelry, gold bars also have the potential to disappear. The reasons are varied, for example experiencing a robbery.
2# The nature of the fluctuating value of gold
Fluctuating means the value or price goes up and down. This condition causes investors to be careful in gold transactions. This loss tends to affect gold traders because the value of gold fluctuates every day, so gold trading requires stricter monitoring.
But don't worry for those of you who make long-term gold investments because the price of gold continues to increase over a long period of time.
3# Has No Impact On The Real Economy
In contrast to other instruments that have an influence on the real economy, gold investment tends to have almost no contribution whatsoever to the development of the real economy because gold is a financial profit that is only used for personal use.
Even so, gold or gold prospecting can be used as a shopping tool so that it can contribute to real economic growth.
4 # Is Long Term
Even though gold can be traded in the short term, gold is better used as a long-term investment instrument because the benefits are greater than in the short term.
When compared to other investment instruments, gold is not worth it to trade. This makes the gold utilization options limited.
5# There are Management Fees
One of the disadvantages of investing in gold is that it drains funding, namely entrusted fees and some administrative costs that must be paid. When you want to save or invest in physical gold, you must deposit it for a certain time and it must be paid.
When the deposit period has expired, it must be extended and this will deduct your gold balance. In addition to entrusted fees, there are also administrative costs or fees for work services from the gold buying and selling service.
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